
Posts Tagged ‘President’

Commission Members

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Paranormal Intelligence Commission appointed by President Andrew Johnson in 1865:

Edgar Qurales:
Chair of the Paranormal Intelligence Commission
Jeremiah Galloway:
Vice Chair of the Paranormal Intelligence Commission

Emmanuel Betts
Walter Morgan
Weston Upchurch
Thomas Whitson
Barnabas Hall
Sinclair Ward
Hamilton Davis
Arthur Morris
Charles Lindquist
Marshall Ellington
Vincent Douglas
Simon Tweeks
Morton Allen
Garrick Bell
Gore Turner
Jasper Kent
Dixon Fulbright
Stephen Roth
Elliott Dobson

Senior Advisory Committee as appointed by Asst. Atty. Gen. Titian J. Coffey

Drake Sanford
Edward Everett
Orrick King
Clem Roberts
Barton Young
Luke Mitchell
Brigham Moore
Hanley Fisk
Anthony Fuller
Linus Parker
John Bernard
Donald Tubbs
Preston Rowe
George Pace
Dakota Harms
Jordan Buck
Casey Bauer

Subcommittees as appointed by Drake Sanford of the SAC:
Stephen Ring
Walter Burke
Dean Van Horn
Kyle Hackett
Blake Richey
Kenneth Sneed
Matthew Callaway
Mason Cooper
Duff Mackey